Dead Bodies

Zoe Isabella


Dear Diary,

Today brought with it a wave of sorrow and tragedy that swept through our school like a storm. In the morning, as I made my way to school, I noticed an unusual atmosphere lingering in the air. Upon arrival, I discovered a notice summoning everyone to gather in the schoolyard. Albert was there too, and we sat together, unaware of the events that were about to unfold.

Lilith and Aric approached us with somber expressions, bearing news of a horrific incident that occurred the previous night. It was revealed that several bodies had been found riverside near Ebonhaven Village, believed to be relatives of students from the mundane world. Lilith explained that a group of mundanes had broken the portal to enter our realm, leading to this tragic outcome.

Albert’s distress was palpable as he feared for his father’s safety. Tears welled up in his eyes, mirroring the ache I felt for Adam’s absence. Somehow, amidst his anguish, I found the strength to offer him comfort, even as my own heart yearned for solace.

The schoolyard transformed into a solemn gathering place, as students were called upon to identify their deceased relatives for the final rites. Witnessing the raw grief of those who belonged to mundanes was heart-wrenching, and Albert’s anguish pierced my soul. Despite the sorrow that engulfed us, I couldn’t help but notice the indifference of some students, professors, and staff members, as if death were a mundane occurrence.

As the day wore on, Albert searched anxiously for his father among the deceased, his emotions swinging between relief and apprehension when he discovered his father’s absence among the victims.

Headmistress Morgana Revancroft addressed those whose relatives hailed from the mundane world, urging them to write letters to their kin and cautioning against interference in ministry affairs. Her words carried a weight of stern authority, a reminder of the consequences that awaited those who defied the rules.

Albert retreated to the library to pen a letter to his father, while Lilith expressed her unease and departed. Aric, however, remained behind, his demeanor hardened by anger and a thirst for vengeance. Despite my reservations, I found myself accompanying him to the food court, curious to learn more about his background and connection to the ministry.

Over coffee, Aric shared a startling revelation: his mother is a mermaid, and his father, a high-ranking official in the ministry, fell in love with her during his assignment near the Ebonwaves Ocean. The revelation left me questioning the boundaries between reality and fantasy, unsure whether Aric’s words were truth or mere fabrication.

As the day drew to a close, I couldn’t shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the air, wondering what other secrets lay hidden beneath the surface of Ebonvale.

With a heavy heart,



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